भिडियो हेर्न तलको बिज्ञापन लाइ हटाउनुहोस
भिडियो देख्ने हेतु उपरके बिज्ञापन हटाएँ
march 11, 2072- The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament Berat Petroleums most employment locally sold gasoline to the Nepal Oil Corporation has been given permission to stop the signal.On Friday, the government raises gasoline Committee vast costly decision to sell with NP, including its justification and basis to provide details in writing within three days has. President Janardan Sharma, Secretary of the Committee in accordance with instructions supplied somabahadara Thapa mantralalai cut vadhartha letter has been sent to the office of the Prime Minister and mantriparisado.
"We are the committee meeting at the stipulated preliminary proceedings have started," Secretary Thapa, adding, "the important social and economic issues that directly affect the decision by the Government before the Committee to discuss and decide the point is to get the real information." The meeting immediately after receiving details from the Government employment locally anumatibare given the necessary decisions pretola for sale, he said.
Earlier on Thursday, the only government-owned Nepal Oil Corporation, the private sector pratroliyamsalai Berat 1 hundred 47 per liter of petrol sold at Rs had decided to give. More profit by Rs 17 to Rs 99 NOC also said private companies selling petrol doing more employment locally sold Rs 48 allowed humans to be a great economic aspirations of the Committee is likely.
The government body responsible for monitoring the market supply management and the stakeholders including the Department of Consumer Protection to discuss nikayasaga corporation unilaterally without the government's decision is silent silence. Immediately after the embargo imposed by the constitution of India have allowed private companies, public relief after the uncomfortable situation had centralized oil supply. Indian blockade freely enough fuel and supplies gut nigamamarphatanai enough and managed to establish distribution system not to sell petrol to give the NOC private company employment locally controversial decision.
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