भिडियो हेर्न तलको बिज्ञापन लाइ हटाउनुहोस
भिडियो देख्ने हेतु उपरके बिज्ञापन हटाएँ
KANCHANPUR, April 8. The lively festival of colors Holi is now blazing roof. YES Saayad_poster Children, Youth and brddhabrddhasammalai has touched.People of all ages are celebrating Holi with enthusiasm. Meanwhile, the various communities in Kanchanpur their own costume-straws and art culture, it is customary to celebrate Holi in accordance with.
justify; "> Holi festival of colors kancanapurasahita far has also started. The government Holi Purnima chaupai saying goodbye to leave him even if this area is starting to play Holi with Ekadashi the chorus.
Holi men in white robes, committed to collective ANCESTOR gathaharu dancing on singing Abir said nowadays even women themselves different and even religious song festival of Holi.
Far Hills 7 residents living in jillalagayataka Kailali-Kanchanpur they all have their own way to celebrate Holi. By often bathed in God Krishna, Rama and the Pandava is customary to sing ballads.
Holi festival in the old tradition and it is far away from gathering together the scattered brothers and sisters is to provide opportunities for the locals.
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