भिडियो हेर्न तलको बिज्ञापन लाइ हटाउनुहोस
भिडियो देख्ने हेतु उपरके बिज्ञापन हटाएँ
May 15 deadline they leave no stone unturned to return to monarchy said.Youth Chairman Pashupati Khadka of Nepal, the Nepal Republic foreigners aroused the agenda of the appropriate allowance monarchy back ready to risk lagaunasameta said. He said, "We balidana day are prepared to return to monarchy. Beyond that we are not to take up arms to back away from that. "
rajabadi.He died in captivity in the parliamentary monarchy, saying he is now apparent, asleep and unconscious on the case due to injection captivity even as it would be.
Preparing the form of monarchy in May in the capital have begun to be active rajavadiharu. They squeezed his side to create a campaign mode.
Some time ago, King Gyanendra Shah, Nepal and the monarchy came to participate in the discussion about the secret was in the news.
Earlier, addressing the people in the name of salvaging the peace and happiness for his people, but people are now leaving the throne to his lack of sympathy had said.
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