भिडियो हेर्न तलको बिज्ञापन लाइ हटाउनुहोस

भिडियो देख्ने हेतु उपरके बिज्ञापन हटाएँ

Former Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai, Nepal new power red background and white pacakune starred four corner flag as the flag of the party has decided to use.

Bhattarai Friday meeting, chaired by the party's flag is set. New power for the party's flag kehidina Dahal was called before the public. But who designed the flag has been set is recommended by some that he does not say.

The meeting of the new power other decision points:

The first is the speed of construction of equitable assignment of the party organization is the first condition of membership distribution. Keeping this in mind, the allure of desaibhari partiprati membership organization of limiting distribution campaign, keeping in mind the following dates and locations have been decided to conduct an extensive interact with the program.

In coordination with the concerned parties are on a special combination of 12 viratanagarah secretariat member pasada do Sherpa

In coordination with the concerned parties are on a special combination of 14 viraganjah secretariat member Ram Chandra Jha you.

In coordination with the concerned parties are on a special combination of 16 nepalaganjah secretariat member Surendra Chaudhary do.

Special combination of coordination office in Kathmandu on 20 related parties are the responsibility of the tokiekocha.

 Territorial Council Contact:

Desaibharivata work brings a variety of pro-wishers organized in Kathmandu to spare lusture DistrictResourceCenter recognized regional council decided to contact has been made. In which a member of the Secretariat Coordinator and Interim Central Council member of Birendra Krishna Sharma Pokharel tokiekocha covalent.

To keep focus on the subject in order to solve the problem of the Terai Terai Madhesi studies on the issue and prepare a report within a week karyalayasanga coordination and Surendra Chaudhary, head tokiekocha pasada Sherpa saved.

Program organized and effective manner to the program directory operation has been passed. At least a week before the preparation of the program relating to the Committee's decision, effective vanaunakalagi set by the program, the program description, assigned to vamdaphada, the method adopted to ensure transparency of income and expenditure management simple and economical reality has been completed, the decision to focus on. The program has been restricted madhyapana full smoking.

Program to focus on operating time, unnecessary to introduce a national ganavata sahidaprati sraddhanjalivata asanagrahana lammetana speech and Speaker Tati pursue the program coordinator of the Soka an end to the trend of retaking the tradition of posture, such as the end of the chain Koteshwor statue depict costly decisions, including the work of the tank is not.

With respect to the party flag, red background and white pacakune starred four corner flag to flag as the party has decided to use.

Transparent and reliable financial procedures adopted, including an obstacle to economic procedures has been made after extensive discussion.

Participation of local authorities and bodies to initiate engagement party engagement deficiencies have been decided.

Shortly before the public uttaradayitvako guarantee garnahetu Lokpal law and order and proceedings before the writ and the Lokpal navandasamma Lal Devkota Mukti Pradhan Secretariat to complete the assignment and tokiekocha.

Some members of the Central Council decided to extend the interim has been.

The next meeting held after interaction desaibhari designated cities as a campaign review meeting, including the decisions sacivalayale spare and urged coordinators to implement tdarukatakasatha postponed today's meeting.

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भिडियो हेर्न तलको बिज्ञापन लाइ हटाउनुहोस

भिडियो देख्ने हेतु उपरके बिज्ञापन हटाएँ

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